Maturity and Other Mishaps

as we grow older

we trade our dreams

for idiotic insecurities

and symbols of wealth.


as we grow older

the lake of possibility




to almost nothing


though it’s still there

and very much alive

but the trouble is

we’ve convinced ourselves

it doesn’t exist anymore.


as we grow older

so does the earth

and as it grows older

so do the screams to end this

and walk single file

into oblivion together.


as we grow older

self-righteousness moves in

like the cousin you never knew or

a friend who said he’d be gone by last week.

you aren’t sure exactly when they came

or whence they came

all you know is

they just finished your bag of pretzels.


as we grow older

we are told what to do

what to think

what to eat


all the people to avoid

which is boiled down to


that isn’t your carbon copy.


good luck.


as I grow older

my metabolism hasn’t

it’s still as stubborn

and lazy

and worthless

and defiant

as a 67 year old diabetic since

the day we were paired together

but hey,

it takes two to tango

i suppose.


as I grow older

i fear people

and their capabilities

and lack there of

more and more

day after day

forever and ever



as I grow older

i find the privilege

in one true friend

away from the adjustable light

of technologies glow

and into the transfixed light

of unconditional eternity.


as I grow older

i miss my family

and am reminded

not so slightly

of the privilege

to be affiliated with angels.


as I grow older

my eyes get heavier

with tears

with stories

with sites

with love

with hope.


as I grow older

i grasp that fame

albeit fortune too

are the grandest trickeries

of a civilization face down in the gutter.


